To Be, Or Not To Be – Sex, Lies and Anonymous Bloggers

So my friend William Shakespeare said:

“To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether ’tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them: to die, to sleep
No more; and by a sleep, to say we end
The Heart-ache, and the thousand Natural shocks”

In order to make sure that my latest novel, The 3rd Hole, succeeds in today’s competitive milieu, I have to come back into the public domain to garner as much P/R as possible. The first step is to prepare my kids and close friends that Uglies about me will soon be back in the news.

I am ready to receive the selective re-hashing by infidels of the Starr Affair.  Since I intend to succeed, I will hang in! It also helps when I interpret William’s ”to be” sonnet as a message to me:

If you want to win, you have to take a chance – and that means risk – and pain – and not giving up.

It has been four months since Iguana Books gave me the green light to start blogging.  It is great fun and I have shared some of it with you.  Last weekend, another major trauma happened – and I confess that I froze, trembled, whimpered…at first.  But now, I am back!  Ready for battle!  So here are two of the latest Uglies to share with you– I am sure there will be many more in the months to come.

But first, a few more words from my friend William:

And makes us rather bear those ills we have,
Than fly to others that we know not of.
Thus Conscience does make Cowards of us all”

So ‘right on’, don’t you think?

A few days ago, The Toronto Sun reported on an audit committee report by some unnamed council appointees who “uncovered” a 3% screw up in Mayor Ford’s election finances – and that caused the left wing Millerites to start vibrating with excitement.

Their pontifications, especially coming from City Council supporters of their defiant drunk driving colleague began immediately.  I have never been able to pretend that I can’t see or hear things that are wrong – and too many on this City Council (don’t you love Stintz’s flip on her single source TTC deal?) are off the wall.

So I posted the following comment:

“Why don’t we know who the members of these committees are? Are we, the taxpayers paying for them? A 3% error? And these pinkos are yelling – and the drunk driving Councillor?  The one who lied to our faces and is now slinking through City Hall? Where are these do-gooders about her? Oh, I get it. It is okay to maybe kill a kid while driving drunk, but 3% in overspending mistakes is much worse. Come on Toronto Sun – list all these “committee members” – let’s see what they do to get money and who they have political cookies with – get off the Mayor’s back – he doesn’t take under the table payoffs like some of those once at City Hall did…and like some others there still do”.


And now, the Uglies! 

HarryBongers replied to you

She didn’t kill a kid you dingbat. And it was the overspending in addition to accepting donations from corporations. And instead of demanding the Sun spoonfeed you information why don’t you google Compliance Audit Committee and find out for yourself. Oh, and here’s a little background on each of the members, you obliviously smug moron. Anything else you want me to do for you?

(my counter punch)

“Oh my goodness – what anger – does it make you feel like a real man? I’m not as smart as you – I just couldn’t find the names easily – so bravo – I think I’ll mention you in my next blog – you are an inspiration for those who use anonymity as a tool for their aggression against women – guys like you are a model for my characters – what characters you ask? Well my 4th book is being launched in April – and like the others, it is being published around the world – I hope you are happy about that – no? – ahh, too bad”


danieljchristie replied to you

From Wiki: “Patricia “Patti” Starr was the chair of Ontario Place from 1986 to 1989. During her tenure she achieved a substantial drop in the operating deficit, rejuvenating the fledgling park. Shortly after she was the key figure in a scandal that involved the Liberal government of David Peterson in 1989 contributing to its defeat in the 1990 provincial election. Starr was charged with multiple charges of fraud and criminal breach of trust as well as violations of the Elections Finance Act .” Surely not the same Patrica Starr -a David Peterson Liberal? Surely not…..

(my counter punch)

“Oh….how very cute – you were no doubt massaging your miniscule addendum while reading all about me – but wait! you just happened to leave out the part about the actual end result – all charges dropped  but one-  full pardon given in 1996 – surely you wouldn’t have left out that information on purpose – or would you? – does that make you feel good?  Great – now go ahead and have a few more drinks before you drive off into the sunset”


Even with my dinosaur age skills in today’s world of high tech, I know that those guys’ real identities can easily be uncovered – I have already had several offers to do just that – but at the moment, who cares who they really are?

I know, I know – why did I even bother to answer those jerks?  Because I wanted to!  It is twenty years later –and I am no longer afraid.  I still love the game – gearing up, anticipating, strategizing, outthinking – and winning! And I have a great book to sell!

Though some friends have suggested that they can live without my political commentaries –many of you have said that you can’t (that makes me happy).  Soooo – if something really ticks me off, I will add my comments on the appropriate media site using my real name – unlike others who need to hide their identities.

So I am ready for your comments –don’t hold back!  I love to hear from you even when I don’t like what you have to say.