Monthly Archives: July 2013

The OLG – You’ll never believe this! And of course, some politics as well…

The  OLG – You’ll never believe this!  And of course, some politics as well…

The other day I was shopping and decided to buy a lottery ticket on my way out of the store. I’ve never bought a ticket there before and just had an urge.

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Great Politicians – Yes, they do exist!

Great Politicians – Yes, they do exist!

Twenty-five years ago, there were almost no community centres, schools, synagogues and churches that were accessible to adults and children with physical disabilities, including those with hearing impairments. There was also no affordable housing that addressed their needs.

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What a Difference a Year Makes!

What a Difference a Year Makes!

It’s a year later. A year since we had our first meeting with the publisher of my latest novel, The Third Hole. A year since the genius son told me I would have to starting writing blogs.

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